8717 Wolf Valley Drive
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80924

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. MT

Saturday - by appointment

Sunday - closed

The Next Generation of Explorers

STEM Experiences for Grades K-8

Challenger Colorado is a not-for-profit organization on a mission to provide unforgettable field trips, hands-on family activities, focused teacher training, and more for teachers and students looking to highlight STEM experiences and content in the classroom and beyond.

Inspiring curiosity in the minds of future explorers.

What makes us a unique and impactful field trip? See what we do.

About Us

As a leader in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education, Challenger Center and its network of more than 40 Challenger Learning Centers use space-themed simulated learning environments to engage students in dynamic, hands-on opportunities. These experiences strengthen knowledge in STEM subjects and inspire students to pursue careers in these important fields. The Challenger Learning Center of Colorado is part of the global network of centers that reaches hundreds of thousands of students and tens of thousands of teachers each year. Founded in 1986, Challenger Center was created to honor the crew of shuttle flight STS-51L. To learn more, visit www.challenger.org.

  • Ingrid - District 49
    Ingrid - District 49

    “This is one of the best hands-on ways to experience STEM education. This is my favorite one-day field trip ever, because it really gets [the students] excited to learn about real-life application of the things we talk about. They get to see how STEM impacts everything in their lives."

  • Wells Fargo
  • Academy School District 20
  • Daniels Fund
  • Bruni Foundation
  • Lockheed Martin
  • King Soopers
  • Moniker Foundation
  • Parsons
  • Norwood
  • Kinder Morgan
  • Pikes Peak Community Foundation
  • Edson Foundation
  • Nunn Construction
  • Northrup Grumman
  • Space Station Explorers
  • USAA
  • Lost Friend Brewing
  • Mikkelson
  • NDIA
  • El Pomar Foundation
  • Lockheed Martin
  • T.Rowe Price

Let’s talk about five strategies to keep your resilience sharp, so you’re ready to handle any obstacle life throws your way.

Let's talk about five ways to spread joy and positivity everywhere you go, that you can practice every day!

No matter what kind of stress we’re experiencing, the better we can learn to cope in a healthy way, the more successfully we’ll be able to manage.